Over the past few decades, several people have paid a lot of money to go to space. These people are often called "space tourists" or "spaceflight participants" and stay in orbit for several days or for several minutes during suborbital spaceflights. A suborbital spaceflight is a spaceflight in which the spacecraft reaches space, but its trajectory intersects the atmosphere or surface of the gravitating body from which it was launched, so that it does not complete one orbital revolution. SpaceShipOne, developed by Scaled Composites, was the first private spacecraft to take pilots into space for several minutes. Today, companies such as Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic offer short-term space travel for a fee. In this overview you can learn all about the different people who went to space for a short time during suborbital spaceflights!
Kris Christiaens
This article was published by FutureSpaceFlight founder and chief editor Kris Christiaens. Kris Christiaens has been passionate and fascinated by spaceflight and space exploration all his life and has written hundreds of articles on space projects, the commercial space industry and space missions over the past 20 years for magazines, books and websites. In late 2021, he founded the website FutureSpaceFlight with the goal of promoting new space companies and commercial space projects and compiling news of these start-ups and companies on one website.